The weird quirk of JavaScript arrays (that you should never use)

If all your friends said they were going to treat their arrays like objects, would you do it too?

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Reflections on a Year of Blogging

I started blogging about software development a little over a year ago, so in this post I want to take a step back and share what my experience has been like.

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Does Elixir Have for Loops?

An exploration of looping constructs and alternatives in the Elixir programming language

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Project Tours: Bread Ratio Calculator

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Your first Elixir Project (Part 1)

Learn to write simple elixir code and unit tests

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Your first Elixir Project (Part 0)

Have you heard of Elixir, the incredibly scalable functional programming language that developers love, but haven’t gotten around to trying it out? If so, start here!

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Learn elixir with me!

Join my on my journey to learn the elixir programming language

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Changing Emoji Skin Tones Programmatically

So, you know how many emoji have different skin tones? Emoji skin tones are extremely popular, especially over text and on social media.

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5 tips for publishing your first npm package

Are you ready to share your code with the world? This post will help you avoid some common pitfalls when publishing a package to npm.

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4 Hugo Beginner Mistakes

If you’re using a static site generator with a large selection of pre-made templates, it’s probably because you want to build your site quickly. However, as with any technology, Hugo has its own set of quirks that can stop a slightly-too-eager creator in their tracks. In this post, I’ll be laying out some beginner mistakes to help you flatten that learning curve.

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